Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

To support the University’s vision of Digital Campus, ECM also plays a significant role in digitizing all paper documents for further retrieval and access. Since we launched it in 2017, we have already got 1,843,000+ documents digitized - Please be aware that a document can consist of tens or even hundreds of pages.  

So, how are these documents being used once they are digitized? According to our statistics: 

  • Over 1,216,000 of retrievals of the ECM documents are recorded 

  • Colleagues from 50 Departments had experienced retrieving the ECM documents 

  • Documents with highest retrieval rate include Admission Documents, Tender Documents, and HRO P-Files. 

  • Department Policies are also commonly accessed by colleagues, and Circulars from HRO, from FO, and Policies and Procedures from CMO are found to be the top three groups of documents being retrieved. 

More ECM usage statistics can be found by clicking the following link: 

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Information Systems Office - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (hkust.edu.hk) 

You can also refer to the Roadmap of ECM through: 

Roadmap - Enterprise Content Management (ECM) | Information Systems Office - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (hkust.edu.hk) 

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