Suspension of Administrative Services

The following administrative systems/services will be shut down for FORS/GMS technical platform upgrade:

From Saturday 9 March 2024 (8:00am) to Saturday 9 March 2024 (8:00pm): 

  • Faculty Online Reporting System 
  • Faculty and TA/IA Merit Salary Review System 
  • Faculty Services Database 
  • SENG Research Staff Performance Reporting System 
  • Grant Management System 
  • Grant Management System - Enterprise content management 
  • Research Output System 
  • Research Project Information System 
  • Online Research Project Submission Approval Form 
  • TA/IA Review Form 
  • HKUST Research App 
  • and any other FORS/GMS PeopleSoft systems/services 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Information Systems Office
28 Feb 2024

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